Welcome to our new website!

We are working hard to fix any potential last issues. If you come across anything or need assistance, please Contact us.
We try to ship your orders as quickly as possible, but unfortunately, it may take a little longer than usual. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Über uns

At EuRow, the webshop of Heeres Boat Service, you'll find everything you need for rowing!

Heeres Boat Service was founded in 1994 to provide service and repairs in the rowing world. Rob Heeres, the founder, is a former university rower (1980) and now rows in the Masters category. In 1984, while working in the yachting industry, he started maintaining rowing boats. Years of experience and the constant drive to improve quality of products and services led to todays high level, recognized by virtually all rowing boat builders and of course all of our clients.


In 2002 Heeres Boat Service started their first primitive webshop, providing bow balls and oarlocks in the Netherlands. Today known as EuRow.eu, we ship a steadily growing vast number of rowing related products around the world.


'To all of you, from all of us at  EuRow - Heeres Boat Service:
Thank you and Happy shopping!'


Rob Heeres
Owner Heeres Boat Service

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